Category: twitter

A Day in the Life of a Twitter Employee (Thanks @sampullara)

Thanks to Sam Pullara at Twitter for the info. Here’s the Schedule (AKA The Real World) of a Twitter Engineer: Enjoy 🙂 7:30 AM Wake Up and eat breakfast. 9 AM Work. Start Coding in Intelij. Continue typing on keyboard until lunch. 12:30 PM Lunch? This is apparently an occasion in which employees of a company eat a meal in the middle of the...

Twitter Predicts #Iowa better Than Real Polls

In an amazing turn of events Mitt Romney beats Rick Santorum in the Iowa Caucus by only 8 votes. That is 0.000065% of the vote. Anyways no one predicted it…except twitter. All of the professional pollsters got it wrong because they polled random old people and missed the Young Vote. Twitter predicted Santorum winning after a huge comeback in recent weeks. Experts say that if...

Twitter- A Frequent flyer for Airlines

Jetblue Twitter Support Room In the Airline industry the service seems to get worse and worse every day and airlines have become less accessible. People wait on the phone from five minutes to two hours when the airlines are busy just to talk to some indian call rep. We’ve all been on that phone call before. Airlines such as Delta, and Jetblue are working...