Category: Search

The Secrets To Answering Any Question

Do you want to know how to answer nearly any question? Normally, I would expect that you know this, but after my recent forum/Answer website reading binge, I’m not so sure. It’s this great thing called Google which has billions of answers to billions of questions. You should try it. Stop asking stupid questions. Use Google people! All of these answers are two clicks...

This Week’s Recommended Website: RTBot

Apparently, according to Google Web History I have done more than ten thousand searches this year. And yet, so few sites I find are actually worth sharing. Today I share with you one that is. The thing is, I never even searched for this one. It found me (in a nerdy sort of way). Their Really Cool Logo!  So this week’s recommended site is...

Facebook Releases “Don’t Be Evil” plugin For Google

A few Facebook, and Twitter engineers created an incredible new plugin for Google search that can be accessed here. When you search for a term on Google and then click on the plugin (available for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox at press time) social search results will change. Normally, only related terms from Google+ show up. Now though, when you click on the plugin you...