Category: maps

New Google Maps Beta Photo Tour

  This is our new Google maps features photo tour (2013). We were invited to preview and test Google’s new maps beta interface yesterday, and we went through and created a whole photo tour, talking about what we liked, and what we didn’t. The full review is coming soon, but for now, enjoy the photo gallery of Google Maps 2013. Below is the text...

Maps Gives Me a 14,000 mile Detour

Whoops! Why does Apple think I’m in England? Apple’s Maps has been trying to give me directions, except for the fact that the results happen to require driving through England. I’m in the New York Metro Area by the way. So that would be a…let’s see…14,000 mile detour. Not quite perfect. That would be the nice way to describe Apple’s maps. The Satellite images...

Google Penetrates Switzerland

Switzerland- One of the most private countries on earth. People who live in Switzerland enjoy their privacy, but Google still managed a surprising win this week. Google recently appealed a ruling that Google comply with privacy requirements including 100% accuracy blurring (not 99.9%) of people’s faces and license plates in order to operate their street view in Switzerland. Honestly, I’m impressed. Switzerland is famous...