Category: activism

Dear Youtube

Sign your name to the petition by leaving a comment below. Dear Youtube Staff, I’ve been active on Youtube for more than six years, but things have been going downhill to the point where I can no longer find what I want, and therefore I can’t use your site. When I come to Youtube I want new, fresh content from people I’ve never heard...

MPAA=Mega A-holes

Helicopters roar overhead. SWAT Teams of heavily armed officers rush the compound from the ground, and the air knocking through doors. No, this is not the story of the arrest of some dangerous druglord, or terrorist. This is how the combined forces of the FBI, and several other nation’s agencies entered the family home of Kim Dotcom, founder of Megaupload. Sound ridiculous? I thought...

How To Really Stop PIPA

Bringing poltical change is grassroots so we need everyone to contact their local representitives by phone and email with their concerns. Flood their inboxes. Show them you care. Get your friends to do the same. Do the same times 10 to the senate. Senators barely use the web. Flood them with petitions. Use congress+ for iphone to get their aids’ emails and flood them...