Monthly Archive: May 2012

How Your iPhone Can improve Your Golf Game!

The app My golf game is not the best… but it’s getting better especially thanks to technology. For example, I use apps such as Iswing to monitor my swing and correct issues that pop up. But can you improve your golf game using a free app? The answer is yes. Nike now offers a free iOS app called Nike Golf 360 which helps you...

Get Actionshot App for free!

Recently apps like Gifboom and have been gaining popularity for bringing motion to photo, but the most creative app based on this principle is brand new, and it’s called Actionshot (free by the way). Actionshot is a fantastic app that creates motion in motionless images in a way in which I have not yet seen in other apps. The app starts by taking...

“Slow and steady Wins the Race”- Verizon

Your iphone is so slow? It must be Apple’s fault…eh…not quite. You see, if it’s an issue with online apps and web browsing, it’s likely your carrier that’s causing you the problem. In my case, Verizon is the cause of my troubles. Verizon advertises 1Mbps Download speeds, but for the top 5% of data users, they slow you down. Throttled iphone Unthrottled Iphone  This...

Beware the Phishers: How to keep your Data SAFE!

We all know how to spot phishing scams…or do we. When a family member of mine texted me a link and said I could get a free iphone recently, I assumed their phone had been stolen by scammers. It turned out that they were just naive about phishing scams. Some people just don’t recognize them. Sometimes even I’m fooled for a second by a...

Johnny Ive Hints At Special new mac

Cult of Mac is reporting that famed Apple design chief Johnny Ive leaked to a reporter about possibly the greatest project of his career which has included the imac, ipod, iphone, ipad, and more. They went on to speculate about the possibility of Apple’s new post-PC device. They described a device very similar to Microsoft’s touch Table device from a few years ago but I...